Ophthalmic Technology
Our philosophy is based on betting on the latest technological and scientific innovations
Vistaláser Clinics have the latest advances in ophthalmic technology. Modern equipment that enables us to perform the most advanced techniques in the field of ocular microsurgery. We invest in technology more than twice as much as most clinics that only do PRK or Blade LASIK techniques.
Our four Refractive Surgery operating rooms, equipped with Ziemer LDV Z8 femtosecond laser and Zeiss Mel 80 excimer laser, place us among the best equipped centres in Andalusia in this speciality and the first to perform LASIK surgery without the use of a blade.
The Z8 LDV FEMTO has been precisely designed for corneal and cataract surgery. It provides the most advanced technology for laser-assisted surgery. A powerful and unique laser source that allows the energy pulse to be individually adapted depending on the needs of the surgery.
It can operate with low energy and perform an excellent resection thanks to its high working precision, also achieving a very low complication rate. It can also be configured to work with higher energy if lens or crystalline fragmentation is needed.
In short, it is an innovative and versatile workstation that integrates perfectly into the operating room. As it is mobile, it avoids the need to move the patient or the surgeon. It is perfect for a wide range of corneal and crystalline surgical procedures, including femto-cataract surgery.

Ziemer Excellence Award
Clinicas Vistalaser has received the Award of Excellence in 2020 for performing more than 15,000 surgeries with FEMTO LVD technology, developed by Ziemer Ophthalmology. Our doctors are one of the leading teams with this technology throughout Spain.
In our clinics in Malaga, Marbella and Granada we are always at the forefront of technology. We have the mobile model FEMTO LDV Z8, a femtosecond laser that assists our doctors in Refractive Surgery.
Láser Excimer Mel 80
The MEL 80 excimer laser from Carl Zeiss makes the correction of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and eyestrain even safer, more individualized and more comfortable for the patient.
This state-of-the-art working platform has been designed to increase efficiency for optimal treatment results and rapid visual recovery.
The high treatment speed, the Eye Tracker system for fixation and control of eye movement during surgery, the individualized treatment planning through the use of the CRS Master topographer and aberrometer, and the compensation of eye torsion all contribute to this.
Its laser beam, 0.7 mm and Gaussian profile, achieves corneal grinding with micron precision and provides a new horizon in the world of refractive surgery, with grinding regularity that provides maximum reliability in the results obtained.
In addition, thanks to the “Eye Tracker” system, the treatment is perfectly centred on the cornea, with computer-assisted infrared monitoring of the movements of the eye, which analyses the position of the eye 250 times per second.

Femtosecond Laser LDV Da Vinci
The Ziemer LDV femtosecond laser has become the most precise and promising tool in eye surgery.
Its light pulses are so short that they are measured in the smallest physical magnitude known, in femtoseconds, that is, in billionths of a second.
These brief impulses are so powerful that despite their extreme brevity they destroy the tissue where they are focused by passing through different layers of the eye without affecting them.
The femtosecond laser allows us to operate inside the eye without damaging the surrounding tissues, which remain cold, or the most superficial ones. It has important applications in ocular laser surgery, as it eliminates the need to use blades in the treatment, thus achieving greater precision, safety and shorter recovery time.

Vistaláser Clinics Medical Team
with extensive experience in ophthalmology, optics and optometry.